Economics of IS

Information systems (IS) play a pervasive role in creating value for organizations, supporting managerial decisions, and transforming economic exchange. In recent times, they enable the creation and delivery of new products, services, and business concepts. The transformative power of IS creates new opportunities and challenges.

We study theoretical and empirical works that leverage economic theories and methodologies, and aim to address important and interesting questions about the value that IS create, and their impacts. Our research interests include but are not limited to the following:
– Platform strategy and competition
– Online to Offline (O2O) services and sharing economy
– Crowdfunding and open innovation

The following papers are publicly available online, and they also include working papers under review at journals.
– Daegon Cho, Anuj Kumar, Rahul Telang (2016), “iExclusivity: An Effect of iPhone Exclusivity Arrangement on Demand for Smartphones,” KAIST College of Business Working Paper Series No. 2016-004, Available at SSRN:
Presented at INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology (CIST) 2014, San Francisco, CA
Presented at 12th ZEW Conference 2014: The Economics of Information and Communication Technologies
– Daegon Cho, Pedro Ferreira, Rahul Telang (2016), “The Impact of Mobile Number Portability on Price, Competition and Consumer Welfare,” Available at SSRN:
– Jongho Kim, Daegon Cho, Byungtae Lee (2016), “The Mind Behind Crowdfunding: An Empirical Study of Speech Emotion in Fundraising Success,” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016, Dublin, Ireland, Available at
– Jongho Kim, Minhyung Lee, Daegon Cho, Byungtae Lee (2016), “Are All Spillovers Created Equal? The Impact of Blockbusters and the Composition of Backers in Online Crowdfunding,” International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016, Dublin, Ireland, Available at
– Daegon Cho (2015), “An Empirical Analysis of Smartphone Diffusions in a Global Context,” Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia 14(1), pp. 45-55.