Harvard Business Review에 정미연 교수님과 조대곤 교수님께서 함께 쓴 아티클이 실렸습니다

Miyeon Jung, Sunghan Ryu, Sang-Pil Han, Daegon Cho 교수님들의 "When Is the Best Time to Ask Customers...

🎉 조대곤 교수님께서 2021 IT서비스 혁신대상을 수상하셨습니다

조대곤 교수님께서 2021 IT서비스 혁신대상을 수상하셨습니다. 축하드립니다 👏👏 아래 내용은 수상소식을 다룬 기사 본문 중 일부를 발췌하였습니다. 조대곤 KAIST 교수는...

📑Dong-A Business Review에 심재웅 학생과 조대곤 교수님, 동료 연구자들이 함께 한 논문이 소개되었습니다

Jaeung Sim, Daegon Cho, Youngdeok Hwang, Rahul Telang 연구진들의 "Virus Shook the Streaming Star:...

조대곤 교수님께서 2021 이원조교수로 선정되셨습니다

조대곤 교수님께서 2021 이원조교수(EWon Assistant Professor)로 선정되셨습니다. 젊고 우수한 교원의 활발한 연구 환경 조성을 위해 2010년 만들어진...

Our research is aimed at widening our understanding of issues regarding information technology (IT) and its impact on market dynamics. Advanced information technologies have driven consumers to behave differently, and this behavior may have undermined firms’ established business models. New policy schemes are also required to accommodate the environmental changes that have been enabled by such technological development, because policies are able to affect the incentive schemes of market agents in different ways.

In this respect, as a social scientist seeking interdisciplinary research among economics, management, and policy analysis, it is compelling to investigate how IT has changed the pre-existing socio-economic structure and what the outcomes have been.

In particular, various forms and depths of data are analyzed to solve the important research questions with an application of advanced statistical methods and machine learning techniques. By finding robust signals from the rich data, our research is to give a positive impact to consumers, firms, and societies.

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